Science & Technology

Edible Ethics: Extending Life’s Longevity, and Its Limitations

Imagine living forever. Imagine never fearing age, sickness, infirmity, or death. It makes sense to want to live forever. We humans have a primal need for self-preservation, which entails seeking our own survival, no matter the cost. This desire to be immortal has long been an unattainable sci-fi fantasy. However, with developing technologies, having eternal […]

Health Science & Technology

Edible Ethics: Revamping How We Approach Disease, and its Downfalls

Gene editing has become a paragon of innovation in the scientific community. Specifically, the use of CRISPR-Cas9, has triggered an abundance of different applications. However, it has also triggered just as many ethical concerns. These ethical concerns are often not made clear to the public; only those involved in highly technical communities are made aware […]

Science & Technology

SLS: NASA’s New Launch Vehicle may be Too Little, Too Late

“We choose to go to the moon in this decade, and to do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we […]

Canada Science & Technology

Google Proposes a Plan to Make Toronto Smarter

Google intends to ‘fix’ Toronto, the fourth largest city in North America. But, this is not the reason as to why Google picked Toronto as their first Smart Innovative City. The reason might not be something Toronto fans look forward to reading about. It is not unpleasant but it is a true focal point for […]

Business & Markets Science & Technology

Fintech: The Future of Finance

The term financial technology, which evolved by the end of the first decade of the 21st century, refers to any technological innovation in the financial sector. This includes automation softwares in the financial industry such as trading, investing, and retail banking, and mobile technologies that facilitate people’s everyday lives. New financial technologies have just started […]

Policy Analysis Science & Technology World Politics & Affairs

Updating the Ethical Rules of Artificial Intelligence

We are living in a world in which we are surrounded by technology. We are now so immersed in smartphones, tablets, and computers that the youngest generation of people who are growing up in this world are labeled as the iGeneration. Named after the sudden rise of the tech conglomerate Apple and their iPods, iPhones, […]

Labour & Industry Opinion Science & Technology

Opinion: Why Automation Should Be Banned

“There are currently three methods of dealing with the impending disaster, which does NOT include anarcho-primitivism.”

Science & Technology

The New Space Race

In recent times, new companies have focused their efforts on developing aerospace technology in a faster, safer, cheaper, and overall better way. These new efforts are part of the so-called ‘NewSpace’, a movement described by Forbes as “low-cost and visionary commercial space technologies”. But the concept is more than that. It points to diminishing the […]

Science & Technology World Politics & Affairs

Daesh’s Next Goal: Becoming a Bioterror Superpower

She is known as “Lady Al-Qaeda”. An MIT-trained neuroscientist, The Taliban and Daesh wanted her so badly, that they were willing to trade their prisoners for her. Her name is Aafia Siddiqui and she was, at one point, the most wanted woman in the world. After news broke out that ISIS was willing to trade […]

Business & Markets Science & Technology World Politics & Affairs

Nano and Biotechnology: A New Arena for Australia–Indian Relations

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull inaugurated the world’s most advanced nano-biotechnology research center. Nanotechnology is a part of science and technology about the control of matter on the atomic and molecular scale. In a joint effort to boost education and research in the field of nano-biotechnology in India, TERI and […]